Good Morning beautiful and magical Kin…

Today we get to play with the magical knowledge of our minds… to define harmony as our capacity to map out the patterns, as our minds are guided to measure the patterns, seeking to accomplish the next step in each pattern we are presented with… This next step guiding us towards the simplicity of unfolding the harmonic matrix, magical point by magical point, leading us forward on a magical mystery tour of this play of life, bringing joy to our capactity to define the natural blueprint of consciousness that defines our lives…

My first waking moments were to define the journey from an airport to a place in the suburbs by the shortest route on a trip planner and now I watch with eyes that are viewing the people measuring their next steps… Airports are such wonderful places to define the miraculous of measuring the consciousness of people being done by God…

Todays support is Yellow SelfExisting Star, guided by the Seed, in the wavespell of the Serpent… Last years Day Out of Time, where we measured out a Living Tzolkin, 260 people in the pattern of the Tzolkin and shifted the grid another notch for our survival… This support energy measures our survival, by our capacity to focus our minds on the highest potential of beauty that is possible with every thought, in order to build life force… To measure the pattern in the most co-creative way, where many minds form potentials that encourage growth of awareness… This occuring naturally from our basic instinctual desire to survive and flourish…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red SelfExisting Dragon, guided by the Earth, in the wavespell of the Mirror… My energy this year… Where the mind is navigating its responses to the endless order of pure reflection… Defining truth as our ever new responses to the cycles of synchronicity, birthing anew the form our responsibilities are measured by… Responsibilities that are guided by our capacity to listen and synchronise with the endless order with the geometric patterns of the cycles of the Earth…

The hidden gift of today is White Planetary Dog, guided by the Mirror, in the wavespell of the Dragon… Perfecting the right alignment of our relationships with others, based on caring and nurturing, and response-ability for birthing the New Time together… Manifesting right relations, guided by the sword of truth, to reflect loyalty to the Great Mother. birthing the New Time… Connectivity and closeness with others manifesting love, family based in the heart of true relations…

Blessed be dear hearts… A divine day to play with the magic of harmony and love….


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