Today is a day of release, a day to dissolve all that we feel does not serve the perfect order of our capacity to create… To liberate all that has been revealed as extraneous to the harmonic order… To reflect truly all that crosses our path and free up all that our feelings reveal does not fit the pattern… The sword of truth dissolves all that is not of pure harmony today… Always the Spectral days are days of liberation and the glyph that appears on the Spectral day is the polarity, the +10 of 20 glyphs that shows the equal and opposite energy of the energy that initiates the Wavespell, in this it is its liberator…
This is supported by Red Spectral Dragon, self guided, in the wavespell of the Monkey… We are supported today by the natural responses of our emotional body to all that is before us… Liberation through nurturing, taking responsibility for all that needs to be released and dissolved… As we cut away all that is extraneous, we support this with our capacity to nurture in order to truly liberate, so there are no threads left, all is freed up in a caring yet clear way…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Spectral Star, self guided, in the wavespell of the Mirror… To liberate truth through feeling the beauty… through coming home to the harmony of Self… dissolving all that does not reflect the true beauty of perfected order through the art of creation… Creating anew from a place of liberated beauty… where only the beauty remains…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Electric Night, guided by the Hand, in the wavespell of the Dragon… Activating response-ability through the intuitive healing that comes with taking care… To listen to our intuition and be lead to accomplish what ever is needed for birthing the new… the abundance of action that allows the new birth…
So beloveds, may our actions today be in alignment with birthing the harmony, as activated through our deep in-tuitive connection with the harmonic matrix of creation, birthing the New Time…
Blessed be dear hearts…