Good Morning beloved kin…
Today is the transcendence of the Wizard, through our capacity to be wholly surrendered to spirit, guided by the heart… Pure devotion is what allows us to let go of everything and step through the doorway, crossing the bridge into the New World…
We are supported today by Red Cosmic Skywalker, guided by the Earth, in the wavespell of the Dragon… To hold presence of pure response ability thru being grounded in the Earth and listening for the signs and synchronicities that express the timing of our expansion into the stars, travelling in the cosmic realms, awakening to birth the New Time here on Earth…
The challenge that strengthens today is Yellow Cosmic Warrior, guided by the Sun, in the wavespell of the Seed… To fearlessly endure and hold presence of cosmic solar intelligence that questions all that is not of the New Time… As we reign sovereign in our co-creation of the pure enlightened potential of the times we are entering, fearlessly soveriegn…
The hidden gift of this day is Blue Magnetic Eagle, self guided…. The fully creative all-seeing mind, holding the answers to all that issues that are needing to be dealt with as we enter the New Time… The creative third eye fully receiving from the multi-dimensional realms the answers to all the questions… The galactivated third eye, having the open bridge that attracts all the solutions that are needed to hold the bigger picture…
So beloved hearts, enjoy your day in pure presence…