Hola Planetary Kin from Palenque, Mexico… the home of the Dreamspell…
It was from this place that Jose Arguelles followed many synchronicities to reveal the Dreamspell as a harmonic matrix to lead us from the brink of disharmony… Those of us that follow the harmonic matrix of the Dreamspell know it as a tool to deprogramme disharmony, and retrain our minds into harmony… For this we give thanks…
So today works primarily from the mental plane and looks to the define the light as our capacity to generate a lot of energy from the collective unconscious dreaming… to define the form the light takes as the capacity to bring energy from the unconscious into the conscious in order to allow that energy to bring us abundance…
We are supported today by Yellow SelfExisting Warrior, guided by the Human, in the wavespell of the Skywalker… To define the form our awakening takes is the intelligence of making our choices based on fearlessness… Choosing to expand beyond fear, being fully focused on the quest-i-on that comes as the next step to the choices made by our ancestors…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red SelfExisting Skywalker, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Dog… Defining love, by our capacity to express our thoughts sensitively, in order to allow the connectivity of spirit to expand…
Todays hidden gift is White Planetary Mirror, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Moon… The manifestation of the temple that allows people to meet in purified energy…
Blessed be dear hearts