Hola amigas y amigos…

This is the first Kin of the Wavespell of the Skywalker, the cycle of exploration and awakening… This Kin explores the expansion of the cosmos, ignited to explore space and the expanded realms of consciousness…

This Kin is supported by White Magnetic Worldbridger, attracting a deep surrendering from one world into another… Crossing through doorways, or perhaps more aptly put – surrendering so deeply that we find our-cell-ves completely letting go of all attachments to any identification to anything, supporting expansion into a whole new world and New Time…

The challenge that strengthens this Kin, is Blue Magnetic Night… Attracting the deepest connection to the unconscious dreaming of ‘abundance for all beings’… To unify with this dreaming in order to expand consciousness out from the centre into the most expanded form of awakening…

The hidden gift of this Kin is Yellow Cosmic Star, guided by the Human, in the Wavespell of the Warrior… To be in presence with the star harmonic geometries created by the ancestors, through the quests and quest-i-ons they have journeyed… Transcending questions by following in their footsteps to create more and more expanded harmonics in the same patterns that have already been created, simply by being in the beauty of what is already created and expanding from there…

So beloveds with so much gratitude for the fearless wisdom of those that came before, including all aspects of our cell-ves, may we explore and expand to the next levels of collective awakening, as we journey anew the star pathways of the ancients…

Blessed be dear hearts…


2 Responses

  1. Hi there! Thanks for this profound post. I’m a kin 53 and my Self awakening was in the year 2017 and I’m still fascinated by my accelerated evolution since then. I’ve found myself studying the great works of Enlightened beings, Philosophies, Wholly Science and even New concepts of the Universe by Walter Russell now I’ve discovered this fascinating work by Vulum Votan. I’m now aware than kin 53 revolves the sign of Quetzalcoatl and the Priest who rediscovered the treasure at Rennes le Chateau was also kin 53. Can you please explain to me more about this Kin53 and what I should do to make more of it in Contributing in Human Experience on this planet? Thank You.

    1. Hi there Anderson Mpezeni, as I don’t know which is your first name, I will simply call you Kin 53…
      I am so grateful to receive your words, as to have another being recognise the gift of this work, is music to my heart and mind… Rather than tell you what you already know, which of course I am happy to do, I would rather give you the keys to the kingdom and share with you the beauty of this incredible measure of time. I will send you a personal email to set up a time,
      In lak’ech (I am another yourself)
      Vasumi Kin 71

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