Hola Planetary Kin…
This is the second kin of the Red Skywalker Wavespell of awakening, and here we ground deeply into the Earth in order to allow our expansion into the stars… This Kin is receptive to anchoring many worlds through the physical body… The receptivity to multi-dimensional planes may be challenging and yet it is the anchoring of these different worlds through surrender that naturally bridges worlds that grounds awakening…
This Kin is supported by Red Lunar Serpent, guided by the Earth, in the Seed Wavespell… The challenge is to follow instincts as guided by the synchronicities that lead to anchoring the New Time, seeding the potential of co-creation of heaven on Earth…
The challenge that strengthens is Yellow Lunar Seed, guided by the Warrior, in the Wavespell of the Night… Facing fears of co-creating the new dreaming by planting seeds and creating the gardens of coming abundance…
The hidden gift is Blue Crystal Hand, guided by the Storm, in the Warrior Wavespell.. This was the energy of the day of Dec 21, 2012 and in such is the transformative healing of planetary fear, in preference for knowing that we are the change, the catalysts of the greatest change ever experienced… This Kin’s gift is the deeper understanding of the meaning of what it is to live in the times of post-2012 r-evolution!!!
blessed be dear hearts
blessed be from the heart of the Mayan Temples in Mexico…
Viva la cosmic re-EVOLution!!!