Good Mornin Galactic Kin…
Today is a beautiful day… activating harmony that influences others to surrender attachment… to play music, to create, to sing in ways that bring to us the wisdom of the ancients… as we feel the harmony which has been around forever… bringing people together…
Supported today by Blue Electric Monkey, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Moon… allowing magical vision to flow and purify… As we trust the visions we receive of a pure world… where magic reigns supreme as starry beauty that activates our innocent childlike picture of peace and harmony for all beings…
The challenge that strengthens today is White Electric Mirror, guided by the Wind, in the wavespell of the Warrior… Activating our fearlessness through communicating directly as a reflection of what we see before us… Activating the truth of the Warriors fearless sword to cut away all that is not aligned with spirits journey… Reflecting the truth of any emotional stories…
The hidden gift of this day is Red Spectral Skywealker, self guided, in the wavespell of the Night… Releasing the dream of abundance for all beings by expressing all that comes through us directly… a very emotionally expressing day, so that all is freed up and nothing held back, so pure harmony is experienced…
blessed be dear hearts enjoy the journey of Timeship Earth …