Day 5 of the GAP (Galactic Activation Portal) days… Today we organise our survival by merging with others… It is when there are survival e-merge-ncies that we really know ourselves as a human family.. And so survival depends on our connections with others… Organising for balance and equality among kin… A day to be open to the connections that bring balance to our lives and energise our survival…

We are supported today by Red Rhythmic Moon, self guided, in the wavespell of the Seed… To flow with organising our potential co-creations… To co-create depends on our capacity to physically go with the flow with others, it helps when we to water the seeds to help them grow… It helps the co-creation process when we balance our bodies with pure water and nourishing food, allowing our cells to grow to their full potential and burst from there into natural co-creation…

The challenge that strengthens today is Yellow Rhythmic Sun, self guided, in the wavespell of the Eagle… To allow the sunlight to balance our bodies, to be in the Sun receiving the nourishing Vitamin D that allows bone building calcium to be absorbed in our intestines… The Vitamin D must also have a connection to our minds capacity to see, to envision, for both parts of our brain to balance in order to allow the creative mind to operate… In short, a great afternoon to be in the Sun, absorbing Vitamin D, and become aware of the capacity for far reaching vision…

The hidden gift for today is Blue Galactic Monkey, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Seed… Integrating our co-creative process, by trusting the visions we receive, visions that can reveal the patterns of the New Time we are to follow…

Blessed be dear hearts enjoy this balancing day, love your bodies and nourish them with what they need, feed the blood that it may support the heart, and allow the sunlight to nourish your skin, our survival depends upon it… and as we do this, allow the visions of the New World and the New Time to integrate, where all will have the nourishing food and pure water and sunlight that is needed for building the strong life force that is the fuel to that will bring joy to our flight…


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