Good Morning Planetary Kin
Today is the birth day of my Mother who has now passed to the other side, so in honour of her and all Mothers I share this work, in the knowing that we are heading to a New Time where Mothers everywhere will be honoured and supported for the huge work they perform every day, all day and night to help us to grow with nourishment and love… I pray that in the coming times all Mothers will have the support they need to do their jobs abmirably…
Todays Human looks to the wisdom of the ancients and their capacity to define our connection through the stars, to know our place in the order of things, by honouring that we are all from the stars, and that indeed our Sun is our local Star and we are also Stars as we are the beings on this planet that have a centre of light in our hearts that we orbit with… The ancient star wisdom defines our connection to the Universal Water of the universe, and it is our choices according to this that measure the wisdom we carry… Choices based on having our minds in a state of harmony…
Todays support is Blue SelfExisting Hand, guided by the Night, in the wavespell of the Seed… Defining the full potential of co-creating the New Time comes from the knowledge that is fed to us in our dreams, through the sub-conscious, pre-conscious and subliminal conscious mind… It is in these places that the knowing of the healing of our minds from a place of lack to a place of knowing abundance for all beings that measures the form the New Time shall take… The knowing that we will accomplish abundance for all beings…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White SelfExisting Wind, guided by the Mirror, in the wavespell of the Storm… To define the transformation as the capacity to channel directly from spirit in every moment as the mind reflects truly what is in front of it and needs cutting away… The pure reflection of the endless order of truth…
Todays hidden gift is Red Planetary Moon, guided by the Earth, in the wavespell of the Sun… Manifesting spiritual enlightenment for all, through purifying the Earth, beginning with the waters of the Earth, so that the synchronicities may sparkle with the light of our great star, the Sun… To purify our blood, so that the Earths messages are listened to directly and we feel her directly in our veins, her cycles and turnings…
So beloved ones, a wonderful day to honour our Mother and our ancestors way back to the Star Stories that we all hold somewhere in our pre-conscious minds… Listen, purify, know and choose the New Time… All my love to the mothers, that they may be happy to have brought us all into this coming New Time…