Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today marks the beginning of the last cycle/wavespell of the 260 day Tzolkin (light count) of the Dreamspell… Today is the beginning of the Star cycle, and today we magnetise beauty, elegance, an artful and creative connection to the harmonic matrix… Seeing ourselves as a part of the harmonic grid of consciousness…
Today is supported by Blue Magnetic Monkey… To draw to us the innocense of the childlike wonder at the beauty of it all… to draw to us the magic that is behind every boundary… To trust in the patterns that reveal to us a growing wonder and joy…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Magnetic Mirror… To reflect upon the alignment of earth/sky lore and see the geometric forms of consciousness when it aligns in truth…
Todays hidden gift is Red Cosmic Skywalker, guided by the Earth, in the Monkey wavespell… Holding the presence of magic, revealed through our exploration of the cosmos, guided by the synchronicity that aligns in perfect timing…
So beloveds enjoy this beauty-full day, full of wonder, magic and creativity that reveal the earths synchronic geometries that lead us to explore the skies… follow the harmonic route and you will never be lost!
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