Hello beloved time travelers…
Today is the 6th day of the Dragon wavespell…
Today we find balance in our physical worlds through letting go of all that is not needed, to surrender all to the bare bones of what is needed to bEarth the new… In birth we must surrender to our physical bodies and allow it to do the very natural work of birthing, beyond all that the mind might say… This is great day also for building the network that is needed in this birthing, by allowing oneself to be very detached from any agendas other than what feels easy and right..
Today is supported by Red Rhythmic Skywalker, in the Star wavespell… To organise our lives to explore the physical domain, to allow the physical domain to come into balance through exploring what it is to allow it to express itself… To go on exploratory journeys…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Rhythmic Warrior, in the Monkey wavespell… To organise our physical worlds for balance through our capacities to stay focused on piercing the boundaries of what may appear to be illusionary… Finding balance through pushing through our fears, and allowing our innocense to be, trusting the journey we are on…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Galactic Eagle, guided by the Storm, in the Star wavespell… To integrate the natural harmonic pattern, through allowing the visions to arise that reveal what must be transformed with our minds… Allowing the mind to be receptive to envisioning all that must shift and change…
So beloveds enjoy this day as surrender to the birthing of the New Earth as we collectively organise our physical dimensions accordingly…
Blessed be the universe…