Hello beloved kin…
Today is on of the 13 clear signs that were revealed on the Tomb Lid of Pacal Votan, which denotes the potency of this day… It is the 13th day of the 13 day cycle of anchoring the timeless receptivity of the Wizard/Shaman/Shamana… Today is all about surrendering completely to the presence of the Heart… To dissolve any boundaries between worlds, to cross from one world to another… To die a deeper death to the heart of love and interconnectedness with all of consciousness…
Todays support is Red Cosmic Skywalker, guided by the Earth, in the Dragon wavespell… To be present to explore and expand into the signs and synchronicities that allow the birthing of the new…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Cosmic Warrior, guided by the Sun, in the Seed wavespell… To be present to bringing light to the fears that arise of co-creating the new… Or fearlessly focusing on the light that allows the awareness of the new to emerge…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Magnetic Eagle… Magnetising the visions that reveal the bigger picture of all that is occuring at this time, as we cross from one world into another!
So beloveds a big time of being present to the moment in the heart, as the Uranus square Pluto transit beckons near… May we surrender to greeting the unknown and unknowable, divine surrender to devotion to a timeless enchanting death of all into the heart…

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