Red SelfExisting Serpent, Kin 225

Being bathed in the first rays of light shining in my window. The Serpent and the Sun greet! My mind reaches out full of hope to meet the brilliance of this new day!
The energy in my body awakens and I meet the beauty with the instinctive knowing that we have a new chance at co-creating beauty today.

Lions Gate 8.8, Thoths’ Emerald Tablets & Mayan Calendars

LIONS GATE 8.8.16 I have been seeing many folk talking and writing about the Lions Gate Portal of 8.8, and at the same time speaking of the New Year of 26 July… What astounds me is that, the information is all very generic, there is no detail, no depth, just concepts, no basis for ongoing […]

Welcome to Creating a Greater Vision – Blue Eagle Wavespell, Kin 235-247

G’day Planetary Kin… The last weeks I have been in India and immersing in the great inner expanse of the sacred mountain Arunachala, and so in that last Wind Wavespell, (11-23 November 2015) the immersion was such, that I did not blog that Wavespell of Spirit, but purely and simply lived it!!! And now we have […]

Sychronised Call to Prayer on 11/11 for Borneo Fires

And here another call to prayer for White Magnetic Wind day by Anita Carlyon, a wonderful woman, part of a wonderful extended family that feel strongly for out Earth… In respect to her and her family, who have taken me in so beautifully and embraced these teachings so magnificently and because this is such an […]

World Synchronised Premiere of new film – TIME IS ART

Hi beautiful Kin… I am posting this on behalf of Katy Walker and Joel Mejia to support the Globally Synchronised Premiere of their new documentary film: “Time is Art: Synchronicity & The Collective Dream.” on 11/11 Wednesday, White Magnetic Wind.   Below is a sharing from Eden Sky of about the movie.   This film was made by […]

MAGIC is AFOOT!!! Blue Monkey Wavespell

Blessings to you divine beings of light, Kin, mi familia… Today we begin the light reprieve of the 13-day Blue Monkey Wavespell, following the intensity of the last month of recent Serpent and Mirror wavespells… The Monkey is magical, playful, innocent and full of mischief, and asks us to trust in the magic at play in […]

Happy New Year – Welcome to the Planetary Wizard year

Well here we are again on the 28th day of the Cosmic Moon – the last day of the Red Solar Moon year, and it is a Yellow Galactic Human day… Tomorrow, on Red Solar Moon, is the Day Out of Time or DOOT and you can check on the Law of Time website to […]