Good Mornin Planetary Kin…

So today is a Cosmic day, the last day of the cycle of Spirit, and reveals the pure presence of spirit as the capacity to be fully receptive in a timelessness that reflects the endless order of Spirits transcendant realms. The Wizard/Shaman/Shamana that anchors the multidimensional realms, open as a fully galactivated pineal gland, spinning and alive and gleaming, as a cystal ball on a layer of water, drawing in and reflecting the many realms of Spirit that we have access to beyond the physical dimension… So is the Wizard open to all dimensions, enchanted and enchanting in its receptivity…

Today we are supported by Red Cosmic Serpent, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Earth… To receive as the Wizard, we need to be deeply connected to Earth, to the base chakra that recives the energy from our Mother Gaia, to allows the fuluidity and intenisity of that life force to assist to ground the multidimensional realms into the Earth… For we are here as conduits for the evoluition of our dear Mother…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Cosmic Seed, guided by the Star, in the wavespell of the Human… To hold the presence of focus on the highest potential that we as free will humans can be guided to co-create in pure harmony, pure beauty as patterned by the stars, as reflected in the purity of the harmonic matrix…. To focus and align fully with the harmonic matrix aligns our consciousness and allows us to carry the deep wisdom of the ancients forward by knowing what we are doing here and being guided everyday to fulfil our covenant…

The hidden gift of this day is Blue Magnetic Hand… To attract healing, to attract the knowing of what it is we are here for… The greater spiritual knowledge that allows us to heal…. To unify our accomplishments with the knowledge of Spirits unfolding harmonic matrix…

Today is a day of presence, the last day of a cycle of 13 days, akin to a Sunday… so chill and allow your receptivity to attract the energy that will tomorrow energise the beginning of a new cycle… Blessed be dear hearts, for lives lived in harmony in the midst of increasing intensity on our planet, are lives lived in alignment with Spirits breath!

Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be….


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