So good morning beloved ones…

It is great to come to this blog this morning after receiving a teaching around being a light/sound channel, and clearing old patterns and reflections which held me back from working in this way… Patterns that reflected the fear of not being ‘perfect’ or of making ‘mistakes’… What was uncovered was that part of my gift is the capacity to encourage others to try by revealing that it can be fun to make ‘mistakes’ and that ‘imperfection’ can be the spice of life, as we try and fall, and try again, and stand… And that this occurs throughout our lives, and the major point of it, is not to take it all soooo seriously, but to enjoy the journey… I know we have all heard it before, but for some reason this morning that teaching is reaching so deeply into some very buried aspects of myself and allowing them to rattle their tail feathers a little more as they release the cobwebs of ‘not trying for fear of being wrong’…. HALLELUJAH for each aspect of our-cell-ves that becomes free to create and be created!!!

And so todays White Galactic Mirror, reflects the patterns, in order to integrate them into the joy of our creations, seeing every resisted pattern has a gold lining that points to our greatest gifts…. And the resistance is usually born of the fear of our most passionate creations being misunderstood… It is time today to cut away the fears and allow the pure resplendant reflection of the gifts of creation to shine through us… To allow the clear pathways of the creation to channel through us and understand the gifts comes direct from spirit… and that creativities most divine talent is the ability to get out of the way and just let it happen! Pure, un-adult-e-rated (interesting word, in light of this) channeling, reflecting the divine patterns of the cosmos as spirit brings them through each one of us, uniquely modeling God’s creation as only we can, beyond all boxes of what it ‘should’ look like… Remember this moment has never happened before… To check out a divine reflection of this, see Eka Darville… A beautiful young brother brought up with a tribe of creatives, that encouraged to look outside of the box, and allow creation to flow…

Todays support is Red Galactic Dragon… To model receptivity to the many gifts of consciousness, through allowing the mind to respond instinctively to the impetus that is coming to us… To allow the mind to be enlivened by the impetus that comes its way, witnessing how the life force births itself when what it receives brings aliveness…

Todays strengthening challenge is Yellow Galactic Star… Integrating the wisdom of harmonic patterns in our lives that assist us to continually birth anew…

Blue Rhythmic Night is the gift of organising our lives to reflect the abundance that is possible and available… Bringing balance taking the time inside to dream and receive the next steps, this is the key to perfecting our uniqueness…

So beloveds another day on Planet Earth that we are gifted… And here is a divine site that really reflects the essence of this day…. the sacred mirror!



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