So today is the 2nd day of the Warrior wavespell, and the ‘Closing of the Cycle’ is 10 day away… Today we anchor our fearless intelligence through listening to the Earth and flowing with the synchronicity that abounds as we develop our sensitivity to her flow… Today we have the opportunity to feel in our bodies our evolution flows thru us one synchronicity at a time… Navigating a fearless, courageous path in flowing with the prompts of Pacha Mama…
Today is supported by White Lunar Wind… To bEarth the new through anchoring deeply into our breath and allowing this receptivity to heighten our capacity to respond in the moment to whatever life brings to us, directly through our bodies and the physical plane… To have open, receptive communication in direct response to the synchronicities that show us the way…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Lunar Hand… To anchor our capacity to move from one world to another by doing what must be done… Guided by our capacity to transform by allowing the healing that always comes as we let go something that needed to be let go of…
Todays hidden gift is Yellow Crystal Seed… To co-operate with others in the spirit of co-creating the highest potential possible, guided by our capacity to focus fearlessly on the awakening and expansion we are all here for…
So beloveds another divine day of expansion and opening and fearlessly walking forward to the New Time!!!
Blessed Be!!!