So today is a day where all energy built up over the past 10 days is liberated… We have built an experience of being connected as a web of consciousness running through all consciousness, and today we return to the our own light, shining ever more brightly for being connected to the web of energy consciously… We let go reaching out, for connections are now made… The connectivity of threads of love have been manifested and perfected…
The family of humanity as one giant web connected to all of life, a matrix of unconditional love… Today is a great day to release all the stories that led to the connections with people across the globe by coming home to self, to your own light shining, and this can release any karmas and allow clean connection from one light being to another, the glue of the web… A day of freeing up your light to shine brightly within the matrix, pure independant light igniting the connection nodes of the matrix as universal fire, born from universal love, from heart to heart to heart across the planet, one huge web of love…
As this light spectralises it will automatically pour through these strands of the web of connectivity, firing up the grid of unconditional love… This is the deeper science of all that is occurring right now.. The energy releases today, through the connection of the Universal Fire of your own Source centre connected to all other centres… All that needs to be done is to return to source and all connects… The motherboard of love and connectivity…
The Dalai Lama has said it is the western women who will save the world… wow… So today is a day for liberating the feminine in each of us, to fully shine the light of love… Independantly bright, not needing to gain energy from the masculine, simply knowing its connection to the web of life to energise it…
Predawn there is strong release of pure energy into the heightened collective fluid fibres of Universal Water… This energy will ignite massive transformation, purifying the filters that connect all of humanity… Blue spectralising energy spiraling in all directions from the hearts source, catalyzing a huge storm of cleansing…
This morning we find freedom through our independence, to be completely ourselves with others, in the quotient of love built up over the last 10 days…
This afternoon deep compassion is present, when our love acts as a release trigger for others… Releasing personal deep-end-dance (dependance) and allowing ourselves to shine love brightly into any old karmic wounds that resist the light…. To let go and let goddess…
This evening we instinctively serve, through activating with our nurturing strong transformation… The primal birth of far-reaching change … Kundalinis popping, energy strong, intense and caring… The response-ability to change, is guided by pure survival instinct…
All todays energies are felt on the emotional plane where we feel… So the suggestion is to allow yourself to feel deeply, the deeper we feel this, the less intense it needs to be, as it is though blocking the energy in fear that it boils….
Let us serve the mother and feel, release and liberate all stuck energy today, in this latest amazing opportunity to witness the greater unfolding…
Blessed be