Kin 251: Blue SelfExisting Monkey (Monday 21 October / SelfExisting Moon 4 Kali)
Good morning folks… So today is the 4th day of the 4th Moon, and the 4th day of the Star 13-day wave spell… So a good grounding day ought to be had by all in a most playful monkey way… Today we define harmony as the capacity to ‘know’ joy, through studying the patterns of […]
Kin 108: Yellow SelfExisting Star ‘Forming Harmony’
Good Morning Planetary Kin… So Kin 108… What a number is this, the 108 names of the divine within the Hindu way of seeing… Within the Law of Time, Jose always spoke of the Galactic Mind TransMission as GM108X… So let us look to this Kin and discover what it carries… So SelfExisting is the […]