Kin 108: Yellow SelfExisting Star (Friday, May 31)

I am sending through this day as a gifting to my sister… It is a day late as I have not had strong access to the internet over the past 24 hours… And it is a very important day and I feel such deep gratitude for her in my life… I tried to contact her […]

Kin 108: Yellow SelfExisting Star ‘Forming Harmony’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So Kin 108… What a number is this, the 108 names of the divine within the Hindu way of seeing… Within the Law of Time, Jose always spoke of the Galactic Mind TransMission as GM108X… So let us look to this Kin and discover what it carries… So SelfExisting is the […]

Kin 108: Yellow SelfExisting Star (guided by the Seed)

Good morning new day… Today works primarily on the mental plane with the 4th tone of 13 – SelfExisting, which works by defining and measuring the form of the original purpose set at Tone 1 Magnetic. This 1 Tone sets the purpose of the 13 day cycle, the Wavespell. That tone 1 was the Serpent, […]