Kin 219: Blue Spectral Storm ‘Liberating Energy’

Good Morning… So today is the 11th day of the 13 day cycle of the Moon, the cycle of purification and flow… The 11th dayS glyph is always the exact opposite or polarised energy of the tone one glyph energy, eg this cycle Tone One is Moon, giving the cycle its name, 1+10=11… So Tone […]

Kin 89: Red Spectral Moon (self guided) / Lunar Moon 3

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is Day 11 of the 13 day Storm wavespell… Today with Spectral Moon, we liberate change through our capacity to express our emotions sensitively and in the flow… Allowing the change that has been catalysed to reveal a very pure and refined way to flow with energy that needs to […]