What an amazing day I have had… going to one of the most beautiful water temples here in Bali and being in full ceremony all day with many Balinese…

Perfect for Red Crystal Moon.. a day of community purification…. Taking the response-ability for cleansing our collective mind, to that we may be sensitive to the needs of each other and especially the mothers and the Great Mother Gaia…

We dunked our heads under a full force of water and held it there in prayer for some time… a divine cleansing… and divine prayers for the cleansing of the waters of the planet, and for the cleansing of our CommonUnities… And the Balinese pray like this every day, for themselves, their families, their communities, their lands, this planet and further… What an incredible inspiration they are… and it is felt being here as it works more harmonically with so many people than anywhere else I have been… The people retain their humility in this way… I give thanks for the this experience…

Today is supported by the love of friends and family, and the capacity to bring change with that level of devotion to each other and to spirit…

The hidden gift of the this day is Lunar Human… which will be in 3 days… What it is to receive the wisdom of the ancestors in order to understand the full potential of where we are heading… This was definately received today, as I looked around me and realised that the Balinese peoples have been doing these prayers at this site on every New Moon for many many many years… I give thanks again for the gifts of our ancestors as they point the way ahead…

In lake’ch


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