Hello family… Well today is the great day of merging… the E-merge-ncy comes to the fore as we anchor the void, having cut away all unnecessary energy and freed it up, we can now merge together as one in order to pass thru the eye of the needle into the path pure trust tomorrow…

Kin 130 is the centre of the Tzolkin, where all merges as one…

The Dog is the feminine aspect of god, with its deep-end-dance with other… and today we hold the presence of love, being there for all in the presence of unconditional love…

This signature speaks to me of pure darkness, the absence of light, which is pure love, that encompasses all.

For thousands of years we have been programmed to fear the dark, to make it wrong, and this has been thru the era of the patricarchal system… And yet the dark holds what we are all looking for… a sense of belonging, a sense of home, inside the womb of the Great Mother… today we are there… if you choose to let go of all blindfolds… We are one with all there is… the divine pattern of love!

This is the love, not just for one other, but for all, the Cosmic tone activates the spiritual plane, and today that love is of a spiritual nature, unconditional, all that is present, as we reflect the endless order of truth, at the core is love… the feminine aspect of GoD, DoG…

Acknowledge the importance of Dependance today… it is source, our very HOME! The interconnectedness of all…

If all are there for all, there is no separation… and this is the teaching of this day… connectedness to all there is… the Void… the darkness…  the purity of the Womb-an…. the feminine aspect of all …

Just as the male aspect of God, which is light, the Sun, the In-deep-end-dance, independance, is our expansion in pure light, where no others are needed, as the sun dances whether it be raining, hailing or shining, where we feel our aloneness profoundly, yet can lead to loneliness when out of balance, so the dog is the ultimate contraction, journey within to the depths of the heart, where all are invited to enter, with no one left out, where all boundaries between each are let go of… on the ever deepening journey of Oneness with all….

And so these two polarities are the dance of Interdependance… Always moving from to the other… in the perfect dance of consciousness…

Blessed be this day, Blessed be the Great Love, Blessed be the re-membering of the glory of the feminine!!! May we anchor her deeply today, and feel her depth…

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