Today is a day of empowered vision… be prepared for blasts of insight, arriving intuitively…

See the bigger picture around abundance or lack of, directly related to how often you follow your still small voice, your in-tuition…

Listen to your dreams this morning, they may be powerful ones, that set you to looking at the bigger picture…

It may be a day of observing, witnessing in order to contemplate the bigger picture of life.

It is with the knowing and understanding of consciousness that we are able to trust… as the adage “Trust in God and tether your camel” – today our camel is tethered thru gaining perspective…

We are supported today by our capacity to focus, and that all that we focus on be a co-creation that leads to a higher potential of light and sovereignty, guided by the wisdom of the s-ages and the ancestors….

The challenge that may strengthen us is when we go for our own power, externalising our energy, without the understanding of the need of empowerment for all in order to activate the joy and magic … This action may bring the disempowerment that is necessary to realign into the learning that the power of this day is the vision that brings greater abundance for all beings…

Todays hidden gift is Solar Worldbridger, where we surrender to spirit and all falls away to reveal the simple truth of beingness…

blessed be dear ones and today is a great day to share perspectives…


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