Well folks… completely got caught up in the motion today and only just getting to this…
Realising magic is allowing the build up of energy to rock n roll, guided by the vision of the bigger picture…
Actually today, nothing to say.. anyone want to fill in the gap….
All welcome.. love to hear your insights…!!! A little monkey bending of the rules in this play wavespell!
I feel peaceful and full. Ocean, sun energy, movement and wind… Carried by the Eagle, jetting off to San Francisco on a plane with 65 school children! How is that for rock and roll energy? Love you dear Vasumi xx
Yay Claudia… a great day to fly to the land of the Eagle…. and you will get a long day of this… Yep 65 school children you are surely realising the joyful magic of the innocent heart of the monkey… absolute pure energy in the eagle sky!!! BRILLIANT!!!
My babies made me fly! Spinning with hooplings en critical masse is AMAZING. The galactivation is intense. I can’t stop writing about Eagles and one of the hooplings uttered mid performance ~ “Am i dreaming?” We are living it XOx
How wonderful… an amazing way to work in schools with all those beings that the system labels with ADHD…. Get them hooping, spinning up a storm…