Hey beautiful Kin…

After a month and a half on the computer creating this years 1320 Synchronometer ready for print… I am feeling slightly irradiated and needing time away from the machine, hence yesterday no blog…

So will give a few days in one at the moment, to allow this being to be with the Earth..

We began the Earth cycle/wavespell yesterday… 13 days of what it is to learn to listen to the Earth, through the synchronicitys that occur… To be present for our Mama and her needs… to put out the prayers that people will listen and hear her cries so that she does not have to take the great measures that children that are not heeding may finally learn to listen to… it is a big cycle in this way… today Lunar Mirror guided by the Dog… to feng shui the physical plane so that family can come in… reflecting the love on the physical plane

So first this cycle the Earth cycle is supported by Magnetic Wind… to communicate and channel Spirit.. to listen to the call of Spirit… Challenged by Magnetic Hand… to get caught up in accomplishment… not really possible this cycle… can feel it already… the pressure of the seed cycle and creation has abated and the moment has become more full… as we gently arrive into the time of the turtle… so the challenge of this cycle is the Hand… the hare… and we are in the time of the turtle… so move as slowly as possible in order to listen for the perfect timing of our actions, so the least energy is wasted…

No wastage says the Earth… energy efficiency is the name of the game for these 13 days…

The hidden gift of the cycle is Cosmic Seed… Holding the presence of the Humanities choices to create harmony… Ok let us see all the Chinese mining companies eat their own tales as the Earth delivers whatever it has for them right now…

The aussie and kiwi dollars are going up right now because both their respective governments have sold out to China and in both my greatest homes of the Byron region and the Nelson region in the south island of NZ… people are having to protect the earth from the Chinese mining companies…

Ok so that leads us to today… Lunar Mirror guided by the Dog… the challenge to ground our capacity to listen to the Earth by reflecting upon the right order of the physical body and the physical world, the right order of the Earth from a place of loving that Earth, through understanding our connection to the Earth and deep-end-dance (dependance)  with the Earth, our connection with her and not separate from her… Earth lore based on the heart….

Supported by Lunar Dragon guided by the Skywalker… the challenge to ground our sovereignty  by going out and taking care and response-ability for the Earth through our sovereign right as citizens of this planet…

Challenged by Lunar Star guided by the Sun… the challenge that strengthens is allowing that everything is beautiful and part of the harmonic pattern… and yet this perspective today is only secondary to our call to Earth Lore… First things must be done in order to allow more folk to know that this is Earth Lore…

Todays hidden gift is Crystal Night… to be connected with the collective unconscious vision of abundance for all beings… To choose to co-operate with the dreaming of our planet… and to send our collective thoughts towards that dream and strengthen it in the heart of our great Mama Earth…

So a great day to sign all the various petitions saying we are pro Earth… and to write to politicians and generally get on it for the Earth…

big love to you all…

and happy Earthday… and happy bEarthday day to my dear sistar Catrin… 52 today and rockin it for the Earth… love you dear one…


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