Good Morning Kin…

So I have had a few days rest from the ‘puter and can now arrive back to it with a renewed interest in sharing the harmonic matrix.

So today is White Rhythmic Wind, and I awoke this morning fully feeling like walking, yoga and dance are the name of the game on this day… Singing may also emerge through us beautifully today…

The Rhythmic tone works on the physical or life plane, and the Wind is the channel, the breath, the hollow bamboo for spirit… So breathing life and spirit today into the body…. to organise for balance and enlivening…

The days support energy is Rhyhmic Earth… to stand on the Earth barefoot and listen to her rhythm as we breathe and dance… allows us to listen to her… to listen for the synchronicities that occur when we breathe with the Mama… to sing her song…

The challenge that strengthens today is Rhythmic Human… to allow our will to dance with Spirit… to surrender our bodies will to the call of spirit is the challenge that strengthens… to allow the ancestral spirit to be in our dance, in our walk, in our song…

The hidden gift of today is Galactic Storm guided by the Night… in the wavespell/cycle of the Human… to allow the change we experience thru breathing the dance of life in our physcial bodies, to be the catalyst for change of out-moded ways of thinking that are revealed to us through our in-tuition… i suppose with increased oxygen in our bodies, our minds receive this and it catalyses the synapses to be present for the moments downloads of consciousness that reveal the evolution of this moment and reveals old patterns that may hold us back, which in turn releases those old patterns into pure energy guided by the dreaming of our planet of abundance for all beings… and so the r-evolution continues…

a Beautiful day… and would love to hear about your days if you have the time and inclination to channel in this way…

blessings of spirit and rhythm today…


4 Responses

  1. Had being out of rhythym with my yoga practice recently and today i felt the calling to get back on the mat and it has set a beautiful light tone for the day! I venture in and out of the intellectual knowing of the mayan matrix but it shouldn’t surprise me just how in tune my feelings and actions actually are with the daily themes! Thank you Vasumi for sharing your riches with us all !! In lakech xx

    1. thankyou beautiful Monkey… and yes I was breathing with you on the Yoga mat today… and now for a walk… to breathe in the beauty and allow my brain waves to change and align with a different level of oxygen intake…
      Big love to you beautiful woman…

  2. Woke up a little after midnight today, only an hour after falling asleep. I usually never wake in the middle of the night, but somehow today, I did. And as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt wide awake, and was prompted to write. And so I did write… about 1000 seeds, awaiting to sprout… you and I and many others, who are learning to be sun, and rain, and soil for each other, and opening together to something much bigger. And then I found myself on an impromptu skype call with a friend who happened to be sitting in an Intensive Care Unit in a hospital in Florida, holding the hand of his dying mother… and so I just sat with him for a while, on my end of the computer screen, remembering the five weeks of my life when I was in his shoes… holding my mother’s hand and listening to the slow tidal rhythm of her breath, as she was dying of pancreatic cancer, a year ago. I listened to my friend’s heart pain for a while, and then started feeling both his mother and my own mother’s presence, and as tuned in more deeply, found myself giving voice to a dialogue I was hearing between both of them. It was unexpected and beautiful… and all about shifting our understanding of what death is all about. I asked him for his mother’s birth date… a self-existing serpent, in the wavespell of the night. Before falling asleep again, I took a look at the calendar and noticed we had entered a rhythmic wind day, guided by the wind, in the wavespell of the Earth, and supported by the Earth… and it suddenly all made so much sense! Grateful for your work, Vasumi, and the difference it is making in my life.

    1. Tesa beautiful…. thankyou so much for your sharing and love that such depth can occur for us… and the mother 4 Serpent in the cycle of the Night… connecting in the dreaming realm intuitively with primal mind… what an amazing service she gave with her last breaths…. connecting all in the unconscious realms…
      I love hearing of your experiences… always so deep and full… thankyou beloved..
      in lake’ch

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