Good Morning Planetary Kin…

And today we certainly are kin, as we connect with our feminine essence of God, the Dog… the pure loving compassion of the feminine brains dreaming…

Today we integrate and receive into this part of our limbic brain directly through the nervous system from the Earth herself, the collective dreaming we are all receiving from the deep dreaming place of our mother Earth as a magnet drawing from the stars the evolving consciousness… Our physical bodies anchoring this consciousness into the Earth, creating the electrical impulses that travel through our nervous systems and enter our limbic feeling brain, to bring the awareness of our connection with all that is, open, receptive, timeless compassion…

For as we see ourselves in all, there is no way to indulge in negative judgements of other, especially once we look to the hidden shadows of all that is experienced and understand deeper and deeper in a more and more all encompassing way that all stems from pure connectedness… and the only way that we can possibly deviate from this knowing is the closing down of some aspect of self that has misunderstood and got caught in actions that do not serve the all… and ultimately even this serves the all… as we awaken to allowing ourselves to feel and comprehend all that has taken place…

Today we are supported by Galactic Moon guided by the Skywalker… the limbic brains sensitivity to receiving through the expressive flow of the blood to the brain, that is the fluid that receives the impulses as it oxidises with the breath… integrating the awakening and expanding consciousness…

I am not someone who knows the processes of the body by any other way, than residing in one… so this is interesting to me that this process is being revealed to me through the codes of the Maya…

I so love the depth of this system and how it can explain on so many different levels the processes of consciousness…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Galactic Sun guided by the Seed…. The masculine illuminating brain integrating the awakening and comprehending the potential for the potentials that are embedded in the consciousness received by the feminine limbic brain… As long as the masculine brain does not get caught up with the glory of being the ‘one’ who discovered this, then this illumination can support and shine the light on the collective consciousness as it feeds back into the witness, residing in the back of the brain and sending this information down the spine to anchor this information back into the collective at the base of the spine, equanimous, compassionate and present in the dreaming…

Todays hidden gift is Rhythmic Monkey, self guided (my kin)… The gift of organising the physical realm for balance and equality through trusting the simple, untainted magic of the harmonic pattern… to experience oneself as part of the pattern, the childlike trusting nature, that in experiencing that harmonic pattern of nature, trusts oneself enough to surrender to it, beyond the overlay of archaic constructs of the old paradigm mind…

blessed be dear hearts… dive deep, come up for glorious air… and play, trust the divine patterns of consciousness that we are all a part of…



2 Responses

  1. Yes amazing to write on ones own Occult day… the deeper underpinnings of ones own nature… very revealing for me today the actions of these fingers connected to the receptive limbic brain…
    big love to you Bunny…

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