Good Mornin Planetary Kin…

So today is the 13th day of the Blue Night Wavespell… the triumph of the dream… the transcendance of the dream… Our capacity to hold the greater vision of constant change… to release any attachment to a fixed understanding of consciousness.. and to fully embrace the presence of a creative vision of energy constantly changing transforming itself… The pure presence of the Dream Vision of Tranformative r-evolution… The creative mind dreaming up the most energetic spiritual transformations possible in the present state of collective abundance…

We are supported today by Cosmic Seed guided by the Star… to co-creatively focus on the potential of pure harmony… seeing ourselves in the creation of brighter and brighter matrices of harmonic geometries of beauty… Part of the eternal ever-evolving webs of consciousness… connected cosmically to all…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Cosmic Serpent guided by the Moon… to hold the presence of instinctively flowing, initiating the expansion into new patterns of consciousness… Daring to Dream in order to birth new consciousness… This consciousness born not from the mind, but from all the energy that has evolved to this point, that naturally initiates new pathways of conscious awakening…

The hidden gift of this day is Magnetic Worldbridger… the doorway into new worlds, into the New Time… Surrendered to attracting initiation of the new… opportunities to release all that no longer serves us, to be ready to walk thru the doorway, dying the good death of pure surrender… as we are beckoned to the light at the end of the tunnel…

Blessed be dear hearts… May your journeys today prepare us for the coming mission of the Warrior Wavespell…

Thankyou for travelling with me thus far!!!

And please feel free to share your experiences, it benefits the all!!!


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