Good Morning…
So today the rhythmic tone organises the physical plane, aligning the hands (2 of them today as there is a self guiding energy occurring) with the physicality of the rhythmic tone, feels like a good day to be guided wherever our hands take us, massage, healing, accomplishing a hundred and one things we have yet to see to… A day for for finding balance by organising all that must be done… Allowing ourselves to come into the balance that is required to be the clear channels of doingness… A day to simply do it… Equality may feature today after the interaction with power yesterday, we received a full download of new energy yesterday and today must organise that energy into balance and equality within our physical dimension…
We are supported in this today by Rhythmic Human also self guided… in the wavespell of the Hand… A double whammy of healing today if we choose, for there is free will… We must choose to do, to heal, to make wise choices that are known thru past actions, to follow the ancient wisdom stream and choose to organise those things that better the greater community… To organise so that each of our actions carries influence… To align our free will with the wisdom of the earth plane, the wisdom of the plants, to find balance by aligning with foods of the earth that bring balance and nourishment…
The challenge that strengthens this day is Rhythmic Earth, self guided in the wavespell of the Human… again free will, to choose that that which is organized is done so through our capacity to work with the Earth, to be aware of the synchronicities that stop us in our tracks, to show us which way to turn… If we embark on an action and there are blocks in the way that bring imbalance, listen to this, and re-organise to the right line of action…
The hidden gift of this day is Galactic Wizard guided by the Mirror in the wavespell of the Hand… So again our dear Hand shows itself… a gift of healing that comes from our minds receptivity to the endless order of reflections that show us when healing is integrated… Once the mind models this receptive timeless quality we know that healing has occurred… If there is resistance we know we are in the healing process and it is good to look at that which must be cut away, to again allow integrated equilibrium to occur…
So beloveds if like me you are having a little ‘stuff’ come up, take the time to stop and listen, to see that your actions are having good influence for all of creation, allow the mind to receive and integrate the reflections and then the way will be clear for action once again, healing will have happened, allowing accomplishment that is in alignment with the endless order of the harmonic matrix…
Blessed be dear hearts may this transmission assist you as much as it has me today…
Thanks and good luck, im going gardening for the rest of the day, peas, mizuna,and other yummys will be planted and will flourish .
Thanks Monkey girl I love your words.
aaaah to have a garden to immerse my hands in … the simplicity of it!!!
pure accomplishment in the physical realm!