Another beautiful day to breath in the consciousness of spirits light…

Today we may receive that consciousness in an inspiring way… The way of inspiring harmony, being inspired by the beauty of the light that bounces of the leaves in a forest, the light that sparkles in the eyes of beauty… A day where we may be so inspired by the beauty, to be moved to create, to paint, to sew, to sing, to gather shells and create an altar to the majesty of the beauty on our planet… to breathe in and allow even more art to be channeled and created through us…

We are supported today by Blue Resonant Monkey guided by the Night in the wavespell of the Serpent… To be inspired by the magic of our dreams, perhaps our dreams have given us some clues as to our survival, which comes in the form of being inspired to trust our in-tuition, our connection to the collective unconscious, that that is just below the surface of our everyday lives… Inspired to be as a child, connected to the magical abundance of our worlds, inspired by the dreaming of abundance for all beings… and how that abundance plays itself through us, inspiring vitality… If we can dream it, so can it be…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Resonant Mirror guided by the Dog, in the wavespell of the Human… Honesty with our loved ones can inspire the wisdom of our choices… To purely reflect the heart and be inspired by its capacity to feel…

The hidden gift of this day is Red Resonant Skywalker guided by the Serpent, in the wavespell of the Hand… Inspiring healing thru expressing from our most immediate passionate feelings, and being inspired by the same… allowing the expansion of communication that allows much to be accomplished… Knowing that healing is inspired by raw communication of our feelings…

Blessed be dear hearts and may we enjoy the beauty of the sparkle of that is there when the channel is clear, pure and shining… All emotion expressed to allow the pure creativity of our-cell-ves as effervescent stars, in-deep-end-antly shining the light of spirit…


3 Responses

  1. Hello,
    Like your name..;)

    I was searching for 1320sync (the name of a Maya Calendar App I made) on Twitter and found you! Did you know about my iPhone App? (

    Hope to hear from you
    in lak’esch

    1. Hey there Yellow Overtone Warrior… only just received your comment… somehow had comments turned off… LOVE your app… was so great to see that there were two of us with this name… and my favourite kin is Yellow Overtone Warrior… so rockin, so on… every one of you… THANKYOU…
      Kin 71 Blue Rhythmic Monkey

  2. Hey there …
    Yes I did see your app after we had made this wordpress site… no doubt as I tell folk about this blog they also find your app… and vice versa… co-operative syncing in true dreamspell mode!!! Love Overtone Warrior, my favourite of all kin… powerful fearless questing… thank you for being you…
    In lake’ch

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