God mornin to all…

So today we integrate what it is to be a pure channel of spirit, through allowing the minds antennae to explore as far as the mind can expand, which truly is very far when one becomes less limited by the confines of the old paradigm… Allow this exploration along the waves of Universal Water and you are in for some divine revelations pouring in tomorrow… The expanded mind flowing and purifying the channels that are explored, releasing old vows, contracts and agreements that limit our capacity for expansion… Modeling ourselves as pure fluid free channels of spirit… Allowing the flow of communication, to be harmonic and awakening… Purifying all old concepts in the expanding flow of Universal Water…

We are supported in this today by White Galactic Dog guided by the Wizard in the wavespell of the Night… To integrate the minds fluid connectivity to the heart, allowing the gravitational force of the bloods flow from the mind to the heart, to settle the mind into fluid connection with the heart… the meditative receptive mind anchored in the heart, allows for compassion to support the purification of our communication of spirits calling… the compassion that is needed to give love and release with understanding forgiveness, the old thought forms that no longer serve our collective awakening into the New Time…

We are challenged and strengthened today by Blue Galactic Storm guided by the Night in the wavespell of the Human… Integrating wisdom by allowing the guidance of the limbic dreaming brain to feed energy into allowing the brain to change its chemistry.. so that the decisions made come from the deeper dreaming of the collective abundance for all… The integrity of allowing ourselves to be catalysts for change, to release old thought forms that hold us in old patterns and have the will to align to spirit and enact spirits calling in order to integrate full wisdom and be influential agents of change…

The hidden gift of today is Yellow Rhythmic Human in the wavespell of the Hand… Again allowing healing that aligns with the ancient wisdom that is held in our physical need for balance… to be talking with the plants and receiving the photosynthesis of the plants connection with the light, is to know our own capacity to find balance in choosing to align to the light of Gods will… To understand the influence we carry on our physical world, and to make the choices to have that influence be as healing as possible as head towards the New Time…

blessed be beloveds and may we purify all old thought forms today and expand into healing that is required for spirits messages to be communicated with all the worlds… Sending great love today…


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