Good Morning…
Todays energy works from the plane of mind to define the movement of energy experienced in the last days… Today we define the creative minds capacity to see the bigger picture by how clear is the minds reflection, guided to anchor in a receptive timeless state, where the mind can simply reflect the endless order of consciousness, the endless geometries of right alignment… Reflecting beautifully upon all that aligns to the endless order of truth, and cutting away all that does not… pure reflection, pure sword of truth… This is the pineal gland in its most divine, a pure reflecting multifaceted crystal, able to reflect the multidimensional realities that exist to feed the visions of the greater picture…
We are supported today by Red Self Existing Dragon, guided by the Earth, in the wavespell of the Mirror… To measure truth, by the reflection of its responsibility for the Earth… For the mind to listen and respond to the synchronicities that reflect the endless order of the feng shui of spirit. When all is in order, and the capacity to navigate the responsibilities is clear, we are then able to reflect on the perfect steps for ourselves to take to evolve forward in the greater picture of the all that is… (This is my yearly signature)..
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow SelfExisting Star, guided by the Seed, in the wavespell of the Serpent… (Last years Day Out of Time)… To define the patterns of the New Time, for the sake of our survival… To measure the level of harmony the mind is focusing on in order that we may follow our instincts on the harmonic road that leads to survival… Harmonic mind, harmonic life force, allows our raw instinct to follow the patterns of beauty, artistically, creatively…
The hidden gift of this day is Blue Planetary Night, guided by the Monkey, in the wavespell of the Wizard… Manifesting magical abundance, by trusting our in-tuition, our connection to the dreaming of our mother Earth, of abundance for all beings… and allowing our-cellves to be anchored deeply in the dreaming realms, of what is occurring deep underneath the apparent surface… to play, to dream, to produce the abundance that our mother gifts to us… To see the bigger picture, one must be diving deep into the dreaming realms…
Blessed be dear hearts, may your day be filled with reflecting the truth of the order of consciousness, may you cut away all realities that do not fill your being with the fullness of a timeless receptivity to the greater vision of the New Times endless order of pure geometry that reflects the truth you would like to create in your world… We are co-creators, play with the dreaming you would like to be a part of dear hearts..
Thank you for sharing your heart today. Synchronicity abounds and everyday I feel closer to the Great Spirit. All day yesterday , I was shown to look towards the pineal gland, something I never thought to look at before. Maybe my third eye is beginning to see.
Blessed be the sight…