Today harmony is manifested, through our capacity to listen for the synchronicities that are alerted through our instincts… A great day to be in the bush, forest or jungle and initiate more deeply our connection to the Earth and her cycles… The tracker is in full force today… and synchronicities abound, when we have the ears, eyes and raw instinctual sense to pay attention… This is the way we perfect our place within the harmonic patterns of the natural world we are all a part of… It is a natural harmonic order that reveals our connection to all else… The sacred geo-metry, the measure of the Earth, as we are a part of her in this physical body… Perfect productions of harmonic consciousness when we learn to listen, perfectly manifesting our part in r-evolution, manifesting stronger life force as our Mother gives the signs of how to truly ignite life…

We are supported today by White Planetary Wind, guided by the Dog, in the wavespell of the Skywalker… It is interesting to note that the Skywalker is the perfect support of the Star… So there is support on all levels to truly manifest pure life force with spirits messages shared from the Earth to our own hearts… So here we manifest expansive awakening by being guided by love, the heart that seeks to bond on the physical plane with those we consider family, friends, like souls…. These connections guide us today, as the communication from our hearts explores the expansion of harmonic awakening… The perfect expansion of the breath from the heart, assisting the opening of the heart into harmony, producing connectivity of spirit in the ever expanding sacred geo-metry of uncovering the harmonic matrix…

Today we are challenged and strengthened by Blue Planetary Hand, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Mirror… To allow our visions to guide our Hands to produce healing, to accomplish, to allow the third eye vision to guide our hands to the perfect alignment of where the most potent healing can be made manifest… This healing assists the perfection of the matrix of perfected order…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow SelfExisting Seed, guided by the Sun, in the wavespell of the Dragon… Here we come to define what is needed for the birthing process is to focus our minds to be guided by the light, by independent thinking.. Measuring our state of being by how well the light can guide us forward to focus fully on the highest co-creation that is possible… as a Seed growing to the Sun…

Birthing the New Time of Enlightened Consciousness for all, with our roots deep in the Earth, as she feeds us the life force, that gets breathed into and expands out from our hearts…

So beautiful hearts may we enjoy this day and be guided by our raw instinct to manifest the pure synchronicities that show us how Earthed we are, how connected to the very matrix of she that we stand upon…

Blessed be dear Moher Gaia, Thankyou…


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