Today we go with the flow of the pulse of pure instinct… As we are guided by our base survival flight or flight mechanism that pulses the blood from the base chakra up the body to enhance the minute hyper-sensitive antennae to allow the universal water of our senses to flow and purify… Pulsing the realisation that birthing is all about allowing the primal instinct to flow unimpeded, as the river to the sea… the drive to reach to the ocean that must be answered, instinctively and passionately…

We are supported today by White Solar Dog, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavspell of the Wind… To surrender fully to the Universal Heart that bridges all boundaries and allows Spirit to communicate the language of love that crosses all bridges in order to dissolve them and realise the oneness of our journey with Spirit… It is also the heart that supports the blood (our water) to pump and pulse from the base (Serpent) to open the doorway of spirit at the crown chakra… Realising breath as the vehicle that supports the pumping of the blood through our pathways…

The challenge that strengthens today is Blue Solar Storm, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Monkey… To realise Magic as the capacity to allow change when guided by our visions… To allow our-cell-ves to trust the external transformation that must occur as we see with the eyes of the child the solutions which come to pass in order for forward movement to occur… Magic is realised by the pulse of  increased energy that is guided by the  creative solutions revealed when we stand back to envision change…

The hidden gift of this day is Yellow Overtone Human, guided by the Sun, in the wavespell of the Star… The harmonic matrix empowered through our connection with the ancient wisdom of solar initiation… The power of making our own choices based on our independant connection to the divine harmony of ancestral wisdom… and ditching the rest…

Blessed be dear hearts…


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