Good Morning Planetary Kin…
So today we manifest the magical abundance that comes from anchoring multidimensional receptivity… The magic that guides us to trust our in-tuition, in-tuition that is connected deeply to the unconscious dreaming of abundance for all beings, that we have been feeding more energy into over the past 9 days as anchors grounding expanded energies into our Earth Mother… This has the response of allowing more energy for our dreams to be made manifest, especially as we learn to trust the feminine intuitive parts of our brain, connected to the iron crystal core of our Mother Gaia, the place where all dreaming is held… the DreamTime… where Time itself is dreaming us into manifestation…
Todays support is Yellow Planetary Warrior, guided by the Seed, in the wavespell of the Hand… To manifest our accomplishments by staying fully focussed on the potential of what it is we are here to work on, to heal… To quest-i-on all that may seek to get in the way, and to use our body intelligence which is solely focussed on the growth, on the healing of whatever project we set our sights on… It is a day where all is possible, and there is nothing that can stop our striving towards the highest potential dreaming…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Planetary Skywalker, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Seed… To go out and explore what is needed to be done for the highest potential to manifest… To travel and take on responsibilities for the potentials of growth that we see can occur around us…
Todays hidden gift is White SelfExisting Mirror, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Eagle… Allowing the mind to reflect the perfect order as a receptacle of creative vision… Receiving true reflections and alignments as visions that align with the order of higher dimensions are received… Feeling the alignment of the truths that reflect the perfect path that lead to the creative solutions that inaugurate the New Time…
So beloveds, enjoy this day… and may we all manifest our dreams of abundance for all being today supported by all the energies available to us from the multidimensional realms, anchored deeply into our Mother Gaia…