Hello Beloved Kin…

So here I am on the other side of the Earth from most of my readers, and so it may seem that I am behind one day, and the pace of life has shifted into overdrive here in LA with opportunities going thru the roof of how to share this work with the world at large…

Last night my 13 Moon Journal was handed to India Arie with a glowing report of the work I do in sharing the New Time… She was SO excited to receive it… and so the excitation in my cells is growing as those that are the leading lights of our planet become acquainted with the New Time in this specific way…. YEEHAAA!

Tomorrow morning I fly to Sacramento en route to Mexico… for an amazing 19 day journey anchoring Pleidian Mayan Stargates at 7 different Mayan Temples there… see www.qalasriama.com/mexico_2011.php… so tune in and turn on with that one…

And so on to the day… White Galactic Wizard… Today we are integrating our accomplishments through a receptive reflective mind, seeing the endless order of timelessness as we move forward with our healing journey and integrate that healing thru a mind that is open to many dimensions reflecting the truth of what is necessary and cutting away all thought forms that do not support our healing, and our accomplishments that are based on healing…

We are supported today by Red Galactic Serpent, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Mirror… So again the integrating the sword that cuts away all that is not necessary with our instinctive raw mind that purifies the thought forms that do not conform to intiating our survival and increased life force energy… So all thought forms that do not enliven are here purified…

I am just receiving that the Americas receive this energy already worked on by the Australasia and Africa, Middle East and Eurasia… And so by the time the Americas receive this energy in the timeline is fairly galactivated, and being here in the Americas at this time I can feel this… So thankyou all those that have done the best you can today to galactivate this energy.. hmm interesting ….

The challenge that strengthens today is Yellow Galactic Seed, guided by the Star, in the wavespell of the Earth… To integate our capacity to listen to the synchronicities by focussing our minds fully on harmonic patterning… Co-creating beautiful thoughts with others which leads us to synchronic ordering within the harmonic matrix we all inhabit…

The hidden gift of this day is Blue Rhythmic Hand, self guided, in the wavespell of the Wind… Organising the physical reality for balance and equality by literally putting our hands to things… working with our hands to balance our breath, to accomplish the actions of spirit that are channeled through our hands… To give healing in the form of massage, hands on healing, is the gift that is given when we are receptive to the right order of accomplishing healing for the planet and the New Time!

Blessed be dear hearts

Love All! Everything is Perfcct!



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