Hola Amigas y Amigos…
Today we are pulsed by the potential of the harmonic grid… we see beauty everywhere in the nature with the touch of our Great Mama Earths creativity… Today is the day we realise what it is to be a Light Being, sparkling with the pulse of the Sun, setting the intention to co-create the most divine harmony possible…
We are supported today by Blue Solar Monkey, guided by the Hand, in the wavespell of the Night… Pulsing magic into all aspects of healing the collective dream today… We heal by trusting our in-tuition, and in turn realise the abundant knowledge there is in the magical realms…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Solar Mirror, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Dog… To realise love as the capacity to be receptive to the Truth… Compassion as the capacity to reflect the truth of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings…
The hidden gift of today is Red Overtone Skywalker, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Moon… Empowering our awakening, as we are guided to respond to our connections to the Stars, which in turn purifies us…
A divine day for this ongoing journey thru the Mayan stargates here in the south of Mexico, where we are expanding into pretty cosmic realms… Sending love to all…
blessed be, blessed be, blessed be