Hola Kin Planetario…

Today we work on the mental plane primarily, defining the awakening as our capacity to measure the intelligence of the ancestors… to be guided by their wisdom and to know where wisdom has become bogged down in cultural actions whose origins are unknown, in order to fearlessly question these actions in order to expand them and awaken them…

We are supported by the Blue SelfExisting Night, guided by the Storm, in the wavespell of the Sun… To measure our enlightenment by our minds capacity to attune to the collective unconscious and to see where we need to transform our minds to be more connected to the dreaming of our planet of abundance for all beings…

The challenge that strengthens this day is White SelfExisting Worldbridger, guided by the Wind, in the wavespell of the Night… Here we measure the minds capacity to surrender to becoming a bridge for the messages of Spirit that are delivered through the intuitive mind from the heart of the Earth…

The hidden gift of this day is Red Planetary Serpent, guided by the Skywalker, in the wavespell of the Warrior… Manifesting a raw connection to our instincts that is the manifest form in the physical of our need quest… The perfected form of what it is to fearlessly focus on the mission, by going out and following ones instinct for survival…

I am on Day 13 of this Journey through the Mayan Stargates with 16 women in the Maya lands of the south of Mexico and the Journeys are incredibly expansive within the multidimensional realms… Today is a day of travel today as we journey from Ek Balam temple a minor stargate, to one of the 33 major stargates for our planet at Uxmal.. So we are preparing for yet another phenomenal journey of expansion and service for Mother Gaia and all inhabitants as we release many trapped souls and anchor higher and higher frequencies through the stargates… I will share a full report at the end of our 19 days, at the moment it is only just possible in between our journeys to update this daily blog with the daily energies…

So blessed be dear hearts, enjoy the journey today…


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