Good Morning Beloved Kin…
So today is a day to find balance in the physical body by playing, by pushing the edges of what may be possible, to see that so much more is possible… Organising our physical reality for balance and equality through Tom Foolery… To act out different archetypes, crossing worlds in the reality of our own bodies…
Today is supported by Yellow Rhythmic Star (self guided). in the wavespell of the Night… Organising our physical reality to create, to be in the beauty and harmony of nature, connecting into the divine nature of our planetary dreaming of abundance for all beings…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Rhythmic Dragon, self guided. in the wavespell of the Warrior… To find.. balance through nurturing our bodies, taking responsibility for the energy levels and nurturing that is needed in order to be on the mission…
Todays hidden gift is White Galactic Dog, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Night… Integrating our capactiy to be there for others and assist to anchor their dreams in integrity with the planetary dream….
So beloveds this is insightful for me, as it is my Kin day… enjoy and remember the best use of the day will be to play with the elementals in the forest or bush… play for me too as I will be busy inside in a cold climate… sending huge love to all and great appreciation for enjoying this blog…
Happy galactic birthday sweetie!
Thankyou Marjon…