Good Morning Beloved Kin…

So today we begin the Blue Storm wavespell, the first day of the 13 day cycle that attracts the spiritual purpose of catalysing change, building energy through releasing all that does no longer bring harmony to our world, so it may transform into pure energy… We just completed the wavespell of the Worldbridger, and learnt about letting go of all attachments and identifications to that that no longer serves us or our planet or expanded consciousness… Now all that extra energy can be harnessed to create change, to become catalysts to build energy to transform the old into the new… The colour blue represents water and is always about transforming anything from one thing into another… and the Storm is the most energised of all of the 20 Suns…

From the Dzogchen meeting with the Dreamspell, here is a koan to ponder over the next 13 days –

19. Storm: The Sign of Success has “already appeared.” Storm catalyzing energy is the success of the field needing the rain.

Todays support energy is Yellow Magnetic Sun, self guided… So attracting and magnetising light from the Suns into the Sun in our own heart with a sense of purpose that allows us to shine our own lights independantly of where anyone else is at… This allows us to generate the energy needed directly from our most immediate source of energy, our own heart centre connected to our sun, galactic sun, universal sun, cosmic sun etc as far expanded in that they all meet in your own heart centre, full of light…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Magnetic Moon, self guided… To attract a purity that sensitises our connection with cosmic energies, magnetising more and more pure energy from the field of universal water… Pure brilliance is known to flow towards us with this energy… So this wavespell is the challenging wavespell for the next 13 days that strengthens the change that is upon us… So the more we are sensitised to drawing to us pure energy, the less need for the chaos that negates and the more harmonious change we can galactivate….

Todays hidden gift is White Cosmic Wind, which was the guide of yesterday, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Dog… Surrendering in pure presence to channeling sound that endures the heart to open and transports us through doorways into new worlds and new times… Allow yourself to be present and receive and allow the messages or sounds to channel through and guide you into other worlds that galactivate your hearts remembrance of your mission here, from this you will be gifted the insight and messages to see what needs to change in your life and you will arrive at a sense of purpose for this next 13 days…

Blessed be dear hearts, blessed be and have the courage to allow yourself to magnetise the purpose of what needs to be released and changed in order that you live your fullest potential in service to the New Time…



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