Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So today we integrate change in our lives through surrendering to the heart, to where we feel the greatest devotion, love and support to move from one world to another… To where we feel the support to be able to keep surrendering our identity that sees itself as separate from the whole… Letting go and letting god… Allowing ourselves to be as we are, minus the trappings of who we or any others ‘think’ we are… Modeling what it is to be an agent of change with the mind surrendered to the heart, thinking with the heart, harmonizing with the mind whose thought forms benefit all of life…

We are supported today by Red Galactic Skywalker, guided by the Earth, in the wavespell of the Worldbridger… Integrating our awakening, by being alert and ready to explore any worlds that present themselves through synchronicity… Expressing messages in perfect timing that assists to open doors to new perceptions, new worlds and the harmony of the New Time…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Galactic Warrior, guided by the Sun, in the wavespell of the Moon… A solar intelligence that integrates the pure flow of the consciousness… The capacity to fearlessly quest-i-on all that does not harmonise to the purity of fluid movement…

The hidden gift for today is Blue Rhythmic Eagle, self guided, in the wavespell of the Dog… To organise our physical realities to allow enough space to feel the connectedness and equality with all of consciousness…  A great day to be as the Eagle flying over the ocean of love, with prayerful gratitude for the love that taking space allows us to feel…

So blessed be dear hearts, and ‘may the love we share here spread its wings, and fly across the Earth, and bring pure joy to every soul that is alive’…



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