Good Morning to all divine hearts out there…
So the adventure continues on this magical mystery tour called life…
Today the Planetary Star generates transformation and energy through focusing wholly on the creative process of manifesting beauty, harmony and the divine sacred geometry that reflects the intelligent design of nature… As we quest-i-on the perfection of this divine design, it reveals the elegant nature of the truly natural world as intelligence sparkles at us in the rarified field of the air around us… Sparking inside of us a deeper dedication to perfect our creativity to mimic this beauty in all we do…
Today is supported by Blue Planetary Monkey, guided by the Storm, in the wavespell of the Wind… To manifest joy in our cells, through playing with and trusting the abundance of energy that is generated when we open our innocent hearts to being channels of Spirit…
The challenge that strengthens us today is White Planetary Mirror, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Moon… Clearing and cleaning physical spaces so that we may enter into pure spaces in which we may create beauty… Manifesting the temple of prayer that produces the pure flow of conscious creativity…
Todays hidden gift is Red SelfExisting Skywalker, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Dog… Expanding our minds with pure loving thoughts… Exploring our minds to purify all thoughtforms so that they are measured by how they awaken the form of unconditional love… Love defined as pure awakening mind… Love expands our minds…
So beloveds, a day of manifesting creativity that brings joy into the temples of our hearts … Creativity that reflects the intelligent design of sacred geometry that generates the well-spring of energy for transformation and change…
Enjoy this beautiful day and go outside to breathe the sacred beauty of the air…