So beloveds the last of 2011… Welcoming in 2012 on the Galactic Human day, integrating our intelligence to choose fearlessly that that sustains life, that builds life force on the eve of 2012… Humanity fearlessly choosing survival, and modelling what it is to question the choices we have made in the past, to now model the most wise choices that integrate our instinctual urge for survival …
We are supported today by Blue Galactic Hand, guided by the Monkey, in the wavespell of the Sun… Integrating the knowledge that has come to us through accepting our independance and knowing that we are each our own greatest ‘experts’, trusting the inner knowing of our-cell-ves as Solar light beings… The integrity of trusting the healing knowledge that is learnt through our own experiences…
The challenge that strengthens us today is White Galactic Wind, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Eagle… Integrating the creative mind, by surrendering to allowing the mind to channel information from many worlds… To communicate with others from vastly different worlds to bridge the information that creates the web of consciousness that builds the creation of the greater vision we are all here for…
The hidden gift for this last day of 2011 that leads us into 2012 is Red Rhythmic Moon, self guided, in the wavespell of the Seed… To purify our bodies in order to flow with co-creating the New Time… To cleanse, to find balance with the water that purifies… To swim, to drink, to honour the water that balances our growth… To allow the growth of sensitivity to our bodies fluidity, flowing and dancing in the new year…
So beloveds Happy New Year… and blessed be the bringing in of our most greatest life force to co-create the New Time of Harmony for our planet and all of life.. We love you!