So today we anchor our capacity to reflect the truth, by being willing to trust the transformation of energy that accompanies the realignment… Physical energy being catalysed for change as we push the boundaries and allow the play of magic that loves to have all the more unblocked energy to play with… This may reflect in the physical plane with the storms that clear the energy and reflect that sparkly effervesence that follows a mighty purge…

Today is supported by Yellow Lunar Sun, guided by the Human, in the wavespell of the Storm… So we are supported to be making choices that allow our physical independance to stabilise us in the midst of change… The light that shines brighter after each storm…

The challenge that strengthens today is Red Lunar Moon, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Star… To take responsibility for purifying our bodies, in order to allow the beauty to flow through us, stabilising harmony in our lives through drinking good water, and eating nourishing pure foods… The water that cleanses as it falls and asks us to take care and perhaps be inside to create the beauty that is inspired by the processes of nature…

Todays hidden gift is White Crystal Wind, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Monkey… That we co-operate with others through open and fun communication, making light of all that is in a state of change around us as we anchor to let spirit communicate through us, as we sing and dance the creative spirit of the monkey dolphin child… Ah to play and be joys pure channel…

So blessed be beloveds may the storm, wind, sun and water nourish us today to be open to allow deep transformation to catalyse us to reflect upon what needs shifting in our physical realities, as we cut away all that is unnecessary and allow ourselves to be as the phoenix rising from the ashes of change…


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