Good morning beloved kin…
Today we climb to focus on the heights of our potential, fearlessly… The Quest of joining with others to co-create and inspire the greatest awareness possible… So fully focused with not a moment to waste, as we bring order to our worlds, so that the highest potential for flowering is assured… Channeling the highest aspirations of our collective intelligence, reflecting the perfect order of all of life…
Todays support is Blue Resonant Eagle, guided by the Hand, in the wavespell of the Moon… To envision all that one can do, and inspire by setting to it, accomplishing the vision by just flowing from step to step… The creative mind in resonance with solutions to every hurdle with fluid motion, moment by moment healing of every wound…
The challenge that strengthens today is White Resonant Wizard, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Star… Highly receptive and surrendered, resonating and channeling from many dimensions, inspired by the complete artistry of the harmonic and timeless nature of worlds beyond worlds beyond worlds… The immediatry (immediate geometry, thankyou Rahb) of this timeless moment resonating in direct relationship with the Stars…
Todays hidden gift is Red Resonant Earth, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Monkey… Resonant with the pure flow of synchronicity, innocently inspired by the magic of perfect timing… Hypersensitive to cycles, we feel the wonder of the divine evolution navigated by Earth and Moon…
So beloveds a wonderous day of divine flowering, inspired by all the beings of all the worlds as we join in the Quest for the New Time!
Monk~key! Im submitting rss feed but its always late 1 day posted?? any idia?
Apa Khabar?? in Mexico/Caliii?
Not sure what is happening.. ought to be a day early, as I am in NZ which is tomorrow for you!!???