Good Morning Planetary Kin…
Today reveals to us the presence of Magic, to be connected to our in-tuition that brings abundant healing… The abundant knowledge that is gifted to us as we attune to the dreaming of our planet, the unveiling of the collective dream…
Today we are supported by Yellow Cosmic Warrior, guided by the Sun, in tomorrows wavespell of the Seed… Holding the presence of our highest potential as Solar Warriors, fearless in our quest for the Light, knowing ourselves as immortal Light Beings, Source itself…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Cosmic Skywalker, guided by the Earth, in the wavespell of the Dragon… Being in transcendent Presence by being the bridge from the Earth, catching a ride on the cycles of time, to travel synchronistically from our home on Earth to our homes in the stars…
Todays hidden gift is White Magnetic Mirror, self guided… In True alignment with Spiritual Law that allows us to cut away all that is not needed to create that stairway to heaven…
So beloveds enjoy your presence in alignment with all that is today, healing deep in the dreaming worlds in order to take flight to the stars riding on the cycles of synchronicity…
blessed be, blessed be, blessed be
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