Today we define synchronicity with our intelligent questioning minds that are able to think outside of the box…. This leads us to measuring the amount of fearless independence that is needed in order to follow the synchronicities and work with the Earth and her cycles, and how this leads to the highest level of evolution… To not be bound by the structures of our societies that can contain us in structures that are like a broken record of planetary destruction, but to have the courage to ask the questions and fearlessly navigate the answers that lead to living the life we are born to live…
We are supported today by Blue SelfExisting Storm, guided by the Eagle, in the wavespell of the Warrior… To measure the courage we have, to be guided by the bigger picture and allow old thought forms to be transformed… To have a mind that is alive and energized with the possibilities of where our fearless dedication to the quest can lead…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White SelfExisting Dog, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Hand… Measuring healing that is formed by a surrendered compassionate mind… The mind that lets go of judgement and merges with all that has been, bringing a greater knowing, a greater understanding and compassion for all actions…
Todays hidden gift is Red Planetary Dragon, guided by the Moon, in the wavespell of the Human… Manifesting pure wisdom, being guided by our capacity to go with the flow of taking on the responsibility to care for all that presents itself on our path… Here is the true leader of the village, that exhibits the responsibility for the people, and in this gains the natural capacity to influence others in a caring self responsible way…
So beloveds in this divine jigsaw of consciousness, let us go forth in our days, and test and quest-i-on this divine solar transmission, to see for our-cell-ves the reality of the Dreamspell Tzolkin…
Blessed be dear hearts, Blessed be the Earth, for our Great Mother!