Today we manifest through surrendering all attachment to the physical plane, in order to become wholly present and receptive, anchoring a deep sense of listening…

We are supported today by Red Planetary Skywalker, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Seed… To perfect co-creation by exploring our physical responsibilities in the world, manifesting the higher potentials of the New Time…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Planetary Warrior, guided by the Seed, in the wavespell of the Hand… To produce healing through staying wholly focused on the fearless potential of co-creating the New Time… Showing up to accomplish the new….

Todays hidden gift is Blue SelfExisting Eagle, guided by the Monkey, in the wavespell of the Human… To define wisdom as the capacity to trust the elevated vision that has allowed our ancestors to take that next step forward for millennia… Free will based on the magic of our visions that bring joy…

A day to surrender to the synchronicities and allow our paths to be revealed…

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