Today is the 11th day of the Earth Wavespell… Day 11 is always the day of releasing the energy built up over the past 10 days, as we come back to the bare bones of self, somewhat transformed… A day of healing through emotional release, and a day of action… Many may have felt a little at a loss of the past 10 days of this cycle as we learned how to slow down and listen more deeply for the messages that our Earth Mama revealed to us, today we are able to move more quickly with the capacity to listen more deeply embedded in our beings… To move from a place of deep listening to all the synchronicities that come our way…

Todays is supported by Yellow Spectral Human, self guided, in the wavespelll of the Wind… Able here to release our free will and allow the healing to ride on our breath, a big long out breath, as we naturally release the wisdom and learning of the last 10 days and allow ourselves to align our free will with the will of spirit, through movement and sound…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Spectral Earth, self guided, in the wavespell of the Hand… Here is the antipode of the day, always the equal and opposite energy of the main kin for the day, which brings the tension and the lesson learnt… So here it is that our capacity to listen, allows the accomplishment to be released, the healing to be liberated, as the challenge is to retain a deep inner connection, as we move in the world…

Toays hidden gift is White Electric Wizard, guided by the Mirror, in the wavespell of the Human… Serving humanity, through activating our ancient future wisdom, to reflect a deep receptivity to many planes of existence, in turn anchoring a deep level of timeless, endless truth, reflecting the shamanic influence throughout time and space…

So beloveds enjoy this day of receptive release, and take time out of time for the healing that comes with emotional release… Blessed be


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