Today we join with others to shine the light on the beauty of the harmonic mind, the mind that is naturally in alignment with the hamronic matrix… Simply put – to be in community where all are thinking positive thoughts which allow the geometries to connect and the light to spark the nodal points of our collecive mind…
Todays support is Blue Crystal Monkey, guided by the Night, in the wavespell of the Sun… To be guided by our in-tuition to cast community spells of magic, where every word we utter is known to further the creation of our dreams of trusting ourselves as solar light beings…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Crystal Mirror, guided by the Dog, in the wavespell of the Hand… To dedicate to reflect the order of the mind that is guided by the heart, to reveal what is aligned and what must be cut away, to allow the perfect geometry of healing… Co-operating with others by reflecting those thought forms that bring the capacity to merge in community…
Todays hidden gift is Red Lunar Skywalker, guided by the Serpent, in the wavespell of the Human… The challenge to explore wisdom by following our instincts and going out into the world to explore the ancient cultures…
So beloveds blessed be and if you be in the Byron Shire today, and want to come and explore some ancient future wisdom, I am giving a workshop on the Mayan Dreamspell at 47 Brandon St, Suffolk Park from 1-6pm today… All are welcome.. you can email me for details at…